These are SOME of the monsters who raped and violated an 11 year old Hispanic girl....
I'm horrified this happened (of course) but I'm glad the world will now have a chance to see the horrors that ordinary, everyday bw have been dealing with.
As you can see some of them look like angry damaged men. But some of them don't. Maybe the ones who don't are twice as scary because they look so harmless. Take a look at the guy at the bottom (middle) He's attractive and even intelligent looking yet he's right there with the other monsters who did this to this poor young girl. Make no mistake about it. The Hispanic community is NOT like the bc, in the sense that they will NOT simply say she asked for it and let it go. Unlike the sick deplorable bc, they actually PROTECT their women and children, and heads WILL roll over this travesty.
The worst part is the the bc trying to come out and make excuses once again. "She asked for it" " Do you know how she was dressed?" "She looked more like a grown woman than a child!"
These are some of the comments coming from the acting black crew and their perpetual protectors. These men should be locked up and thrown under the jail, but instead you have these sick perverts being protected by equally sick other blacks and mammies.
There is NO justification for raping ANY woman but to rape a child puts you in the category of demons as far as I'm concerned, and you should be treated as such! I'm so horrified that they would try to pass this crime against a child off as typical male behavior, I'm speechless.
Now the black panthers are getting into the act with Quanell X claiming bm are being singled out and that other men probably took part in this gang rape as well! This is his response word for word....
"I believe that every man who had sex with this child should go to prison, I don't care what his color is. But I don't believe that black men are the only ones who had sex with this young child.
It appears there's been selective prosecution of one community, which is African American....
This is nothing but obfuscation! Throw the dirt in every direction and hope it lands on someone else, thus making you look a little less dirty in the process! The truth is bw have been the victims of bm stalking, them, cursing them, assaulting them, raping them and killing them for so long, that when they turn their damaged eyes toward other females, the world is actually shocked. But my grandmother always told me, If you don't say anything to billy Joe when he attacks your neighbor, don't expect anyone to say anything when he attacks you! I've found this to be very true in life. Garbage rolls downhill. When bw were under constant attack by bm at every turn, and other races felt it did not concern them, I knew it would be just a matter of time before bm became their problem as well. Mark my words ww as well will soon be their targets. Evil unchecked becomes evil in totality. Victimizers are always looking for NEW victims.
Did you know that when the Nazis took over Germany and began to eradicate the Jews, (6 million+) they also began to kill Gypsies, Hispanics, blacks, Homosexuals as well as everyone who did NOT resemble their ideal Aryan German? That's evil unchecked. That's what happens when good people say nothing, and that's all it takes for evil to grow...
I'm so sad about this little girl, but I hope you all can see the danger in saying nothing and hoping these monsters simply stay away. They won't. By remaining silent we give them more power. Bp who still have their faculties and can see how horrible this is have got to stand up and separate themselves from the monsters now and not coddle them. They deserve whatever punishment they receive. Don't feel sorry for them. Don't tell me how misunderstood they are. Let them face the consequences of their actions! I don't really care how their childhood was or what might have caused them to do something this horrible to a little girl. I just hope they all rot in hell very slowly........